Khutbah topics

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The Khutbah topics of People in. Fortifying Hearts in Calamities with. This Fleeting World and the. Making the Most of Ramadan. Steadfastness in lhutbah Face of. Community is Goodness and Guidance. Welcoming Ramadan with Repentance. Virtue of the Night of. Realizing our Absolute Dependance upon. The Virtue of Friday and.

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Khutbah topics Taming the Heart. Hidup adalah iman dan amal saleh, hablum minallah dan hablum minannas, yang harus dijalankan dengan seimbang dan saling menguatkan. Cara memperolehnya sangat mudah, walhasil generasi muda Gen-Z sangat tergiur untuk mencobanya. Lebih parahnya lagi, orang yang terus-menerus bermaksiat atau membiarkan kemaksiatan di sekitarnya, lama-kelamaan hatinya akan terbiasa dengan maksiat. Etiquette of Charity. Reflections upon Hajj. Fortifying Hearts in Calamities with Certainty.
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Become their best friend. From day nought. Marry a devout spouse who will live Islam. You have to be an upright Muslim yourself. A proud Muslim. Services: All Services, Government, Business, Individual, Privacy Policy, More information, Media Center, Initiatives, Blog, Open Data, Terms & Conditions. Friday Khutbah � The Ability of Allah � Knowing Allah � Knowing Allah through HIs Names and Attributes � Love of Allah � Attaining the Love of Allah � Thinking Well.
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