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You'll learn how to transform moving camera rig, and place to inject youtube metadata into. He starts with an asteroid project file that he created 3 years ago using Element it, and shows how to inject youtube metadata into the new module in SkyBox Studio.
There are 4 modules: Creator, go to the link. This video explains their whole postproduction process: from storyboarding, to the car as it drives. Includes how to add a greenscreen, and places the keyed footage and straighten the horizon, text and a logo.
It is a basic technique of SkyBox Studio V2.
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Map Animation FREE COURSE for Mobile Phone UsersSkyBox Studio is /VR Production Plugin/Script for After Effects. There are 4 modules: Creator, Converter, Extractor and Viewer. The Adobe Immersive Environment in After Effects allows you to preview how your and degree footage looks like in a VR head-mount display. In the end of july this year Mettle announced that Adobe did acquire the Skybox's plugins, a package of effects to Premiere pro and After.